Friday, July 8, 2011

A Letter To Bay Ridge, Brooklyn Residents Who Shop on 86th Street

Dear Patrons,
For the most part, you are filthy, dirty, rude people.  You come to my hood to shop, you leave garbage everywhere, including in front of my house around the corner from 86th and you think it is OK.  You take up the sidewalks with your GIANT strollers and walk so slowly that no one can get past you.  Sometimes you even come and sit on my front steps to enjoy your cold coffee drink.  There are a plethora of benches on 86th.  My front yard is not a place for you to chill.

Also, please pay attention to your children.  It is so busy and there is so much traffic and so many skeezy people....Im just sayin.

So, for those of you that need a list:
1. Smaller Strollers
2. Throw Your Garbage Away!
3. My front yard is not your house.
4. Watch your kids.  PLEASE!
 and a bonus!
5.  When you bump into someone, excuse yourself and by all means is it OK to hold a door open for someone!


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